Case Study

Building an Online Community for Coca-Cola

gizmocraft, design and technology (advertising agency), 2006-2010

The Challenge

Coca-Cola wanted to increase the engagement of their customers in the digital space in order to increase brand loyalty, user retention and - ultimately - their revenue through soft drink sales.

In addition, small markets in Europe needed an approach to leverage cross-country synergies and utilize advertising budgets more effectively.

The Solution

We created the “Coke Happiness Game” - a multiplayer browser game to increase consumer involvement and retention (Please keep in mind: that was in 2007).

Users could play the game in multiplayer and single player mode and play for virtual money, so-called “coins”. Basic functions like customizable “you won”/ “you lost” messages and “invite a friend” led to a growth of the user base. The system could connect to an existing user database, could be integrated into existing platforms via iframe and came with a built-in support and analytics feature.



More than 7 millions of played games in 6 European countries within one year.

Did it increase soft-drink sales? I am sorry to say I don’t know - company secret.



A project by gizmocraft, design and technology GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Product Management: Renate Pinggera
Design and Engineering Lead: Mario Pizzininini